TESTICULAR CANCERsoya and prostrate cancer

What is testicular cancer ?
The basics
Risk factors and prevention
Diagnosis and screening

Care and treatment
Radiation therapy
Watchful waiting
Clinical trials

Living with testicular cancer

Information resources

page top

The basics
questions and answers about testicular cancer - national cancer institute
questions to ask your doctor - testicular cancer resource center
questions for your doctor - cancerhelp uk
testicular cancer - memorial sloan-kettering cancer center
testicular cancer - merck manual
testicular cancer: overview - memorial sloan-kettering cancer center
testicular cancer treatments: pathology report - testicular cancer resource center

the testicle - testicular cancer resource center
the testicle - johns hopkins medical center

the tcrc glossary for testicular cancer and related conditions - testicular cancer resource center

risk factors and prevention
testicular cancer: risk factors - memorial sloan-kettering cancer center
understanding testicular cancer: chemotherapy - cancerbacup
what causes testicular cancer - memorial sloan-kettering cancer center

diagnosis and screening
screening for testicular cancer (patient summary) - national cancer institute
testicular biopsy - york health system, york pa
testicular cancer: diagnosis - memorial sloan-kettering cancer center
testicular cancer: survival high with early treatment - fda consumer
testicular cancer and testicular self-examination - york health system, york pa
testicular cancer screening (health professional summary) - national cancer institute
testicular self-examination - postgraduate medicine

testicular cancer treatments: staging - testicular cancer resource center
what are the stages of testicular cancer? - royal marsden hospital

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care and treatment
testicular cancer treatment - memorial sloan-kettering cancer center
testicular cancer treatment - national cancer institute

testicular cancer treatments: chemotherapy - testicular cancer resource center
understanding testicular cancer: chemotherapy - cancerbacup
understanding testicular cancer: high dose chemotherapy with stem cell support - cancerbacup

radiation therapy
testicular cancer treatments: radiation therapy - testicular cancer resource center
understanding testicular cancer: radiotherapy - cancerbacup

testicular cancer treatments: the inguinal orchiectomy - testicular cancer resource center
testicular cancer treatments: the rplnd - testicular cancer resource center
understanding testicular cancer: surgery - cancerbacup

watchful waiting
testicular cancer treatments: surveillance - testicular cancer resource center

clinical trials
testicular cancer - centerwatch
testicular neoplasms - clinicaltrials.gov

page top

living with testicular cancer
life after testicular cancer - memorial sloan-kettering cancer center
a positive approach - cancerhelp uk
testicular cancer treatments: after treatment - testicular cancer resource center
your feelings - cancerhelp uk

fertility: having children after testicular cancer - cancerhelp uk
fertility page - testicular cancer resource center
understanding testicular cancer: sperm storage before treatment - cancerbacup
will testicular cancer or it's treatment affect my fertility? - royal marsden hospital, uk

talking things over - cancerhelp uk
what about sex? - royal marsden hospital, uk
understanding testicular cancer: how will treatment affect my sex life? - cancerbacup
your sex life - cancerhelp uk

information resources
testicular cancer resource center
understanding testicular cancer - cancerbacup

Disclaimer: this information has been culled from a variety of consumer health resources. We offer this information to you with the understanding that it not be interpreted as medical or professional advice. All medical information needs to be carefully reviewed with your health care provider.


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